Many young people struggle with societal barriers and face adversities such as mental health issues, family violence, identity issues or poor living conditions. Your donation will lead to healthy, thriving youth who can achieve more.
Partner with Big Brothers Big Sisters and build your brand through cause-related marketing campaigns, program sponsorship, or growth development grants.
Organize your social groups, have fun, and support a great cause. Do what you enjoy most while knowing you are making a difference for youth who are struggling to achieve more.

Plan Your Own Event
Organize an event by yourself or with your community group (e.g. school groups, unions, or corporations) to help raise funds necessary for Big Brothers Big Sisters to operate and ensure that every child gains the confidence to achieve more through a mentoring relationship.
An event can be any activity by a non-affiliated group or individual. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Guelph has limited financial responsibility and little or no staff involvement; however, we will support you and your event as much as possible to help it succeed.
Your event is what you make it, so have fun with it! Here are some ideas to consider:
- Craft Sale/Show
- Garage Sale
- Run/Walk/Ride
- Wine & Paint Night
- Work Department Challenge
- Video Game Tournament

Tribute & Memorial Gifts
At the next special occasion, honour a friend, mentor, or family member with a gift in their honour. If a loved one has recently passed, you can also make a gift to Big Brothers Big Sisters in their memory.
Loved ones or their family will receive a personalized note of the donation made in their honour and a tax receipt will be sent to you. Make a gift in honour of someone special online or contact us

Donate Shares and Securities
Big Brothers Big Sisters also accepts gifts in the form of shares and/or securities.
A member of our staff would be pleased to discuss with you directly the options for this program.

Leave a Legacy of Hope
The Leave a Legacy of Hope program encourages people to leave a gift through their will or another planned giving method to Big Brothers Big Sisters.
A member of our staff would be pleased to discuss with you directly the options for this program.

In-Kind Donations
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Guelph relies greatly on in-kind contributions from our partners. If you are considering an in-kind donation, please e-mail us.
Examples of in-kind donations can include:
- Business services (marketing, administrative, technology, consulting)
- Event tickets (local tickets should deal directly with the community agency)
- Gift certificates to restaurants and retail chains
- Other prizes or auction items for one of out fundraising events
- Supplies for our In-School and Group Mentoring Programs

Loyalty Funding
Fundraising with LoyaltyFunding is simple, automatic and doesn’t cost you anything more than you would already spend each month on your groceries, gas and coffee purchases. You simply set up a monthly subscription to receive gift cards to the retailers you already normally shop with. The payment will be automatically taken out each month and you will receive your cards in the mail. You pay exactly the same amount as the value of the cards you receive.